Does the Percolator come in a 16 Ohm Output model?

Home Forums Percolator Tube Amp Forum Percolator FAQ & Support Does the Percolator come in a 16 Ohm Output model?

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  • #358 Reply
    Glen v A

    Chris B asks if he can use the Percolator to drive a 16 ohm cabinet. Short answer is No, but there are several work-arounds:
    1. Buy a kit and replace the output transformer. You can use Hammond Mfr part #125BSE, but you will have to drill at least one new mounting hole in the chassis, since the footprint is a little different from the transformer we supply in the kit.
    2. Reduce the load to 8 ohms by running the amp into TWO 16 ohm cabinets wired in parallel! This would not only work fine, but should produce a Cosmic Wall of Epic Sound from one tiny little amp! Seriously, you can do this with any two 16-ohm cabinets and one custom cable. You would wire up the cable as described in the following diagram.
    Two 16-ohm cabinets wired in parallel will present an 8-ohm load to the amp.
    3. If your cab has more than one speaker and depending on it’s speaker configuration you could rewire your cabinet to be 8 ohms. A popular mod for the Marshall 4×12 cabs (with 16 ohm speakers) is to make 2 sets of speakers wired in parallel to each other, each set having a separate 8 ohm input.
    4. Get an 8 ohm cabinet. I have a nice one right here, at very reasonable price…

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by Glen v A.
    • This topic was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by Glen v A.
    • This topic was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by Glen v A.
    • This topic was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by brach.
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