Inspired by the C++ code of the Quaverato I decided what was missing from this fab Pedal was a separate footswitch to select any of the 6 presets, it’ll make life a lot easier especially if these are used when gigging! I wrote the programme yesterday. It’s on breadboard right now and it will be shrunk down to fit into a 1590B enclosure. This enables any of the Quaverato Tremolo’s 6 presets to be selected from a Footswitch with either a 6 LED display or 7 segment. This is just the Breadboard code proving stage, once tested it will be put onto a single ATMEGA328 and I will post a video of the finished item. Happy to share the code!
Fantastic! Great work! Yes, that is a really good improvement.
What’s most intriguing to me is that it could even work on other pedals that use PC commands to switch presets, like the source audio pedal you mentioned.
I’m sure your code isn’t too big to fit onto a really small microcontroller, like one of the 8 pin ATTiny ICs…That way it could probably fit into an even smaller enclosure like a 1590A…to save pedal board real estate.
I’m very impressed.
I think you may be our most adventurous customer yet!
Good job! Keep us posted on how the rest of the development goes.
Thank you! I looked at the tiny but didn’t have enough ports for the 7 segment display but when I was just using 6 LEDs it would have worked. But the AT micro will do the job so I’m experimenting with that now. Will keep you posted!
The Micro seems to be a great choice.
That’s an even smaller enclosure than i was suggesting…that’s great!
One option for making it a little bit more universally usable is to add a dip switch to choose the number of program changes. A 4-pin dip switch could give you the option of selecting up to 16 program changes. I’m sure you’d have enough pins available with the micro. This feature would be nice if you wanted to only use 2 or 3 different presets so you wouldn’t have to scroll through all of them again to get back to the one you wanted.
Another thing you could do…you could add a different mode that toggles between 2 different selected presets when you press the foot switch, instead of scrolling through all the presets. You’d probably need to have a “mode select” toggle switch or something accessible from the outside of the enclosure. One position would be “scroll mode”, the other position would be “toggle mode”. The 2 chosen presets in “toggle mode” could be programmed by long pressing the foot switch (holding the foot switch for more than 2 seconds) when the desired PC number is selected in “scroll mode”…the number would blink a few times to show you that it was captured in memory.
I’m just throwing out ideas. I’m sure the project will turn out really cool. I am very excited to see it when it’s done.
Thanks again for sharing and keep up the amazing work!
Great ideas Brach, thank you! I was thinking of going even smaller with an ATTiny84 (the 85 doesn’t have sufficient I/O) but by using the Pro Micro I can easily incorporate a dip switch and was thinking of another mode of ‘hold FSW for x seconds’ to toggle mode. For now I’m going with the design as it is because I really must get on with finishing my Quaverato Kit!
By staying with the ProMicro (that has built in USB for programming) it’ll be easy to change the code to, for example, increase the presets to 8, I could then use it on my Source Audio Collider
Yes, the “hold button” function could operate as a “mode change” switch. Simplified…good thinking!
I totally understand trying to get done with one project in order to move on to the next…I have such limited desk space! But the USB interface will make it really easy to make changes in the future.
I’ll be putting it all in the enclosure this afternoon, I’ll also be adding some code to read a dip switch and including the dip switch hardware ready for “future expansion”.
I’ll post another video of it working and boxed when it’s finished.
Now moved the code to a Pro Mini, they’re about $2-$3 and I built a small programmer to program them without soldering pins to them. Final Build of the Project before boxing up. Uses a Pro Mini (not a Pro Micro as I say in the Video). I’ve added two more functions; A DIP switch to choose 6 or 8 presets and a Hold switch function that also selects between 6 or 8 presets. Next Video will be the finished and boxed item! Here it is!
Very nice! I like how you implemented the dip switch idea, along with the long press foot switch to change the total number of presets. I’m looking forward to seeing how it all comes together in the box. I love watching ideas like this come to life!
Here’s my latest video. The First prototype, I messed up the square hole for the LED display and it was a job to cram it all in but it works! Tested on my SA Collider and Quaverato last night and it works a treat.
Next step is to use a 1590A enclosure and I’m reverting to the Pro Micro now as its easier to work with and update inside the enclosure (it has onboard usb) I’ll also be dropping the LED display and reverting to 8 LEDS, I just prefer them, but the code is still there for the 7-seg if needed.
That’s great! Very practical! Thanks so much for sharing.
Are you making this an open source project? Do you have a blog or anything where you are planning on sharing the code?…just curious.
Thank you! I was thinking of marketing commercially but don’t have the time or the means so will finish the next build of the 8-Led version then give the code to whoever wants it (for their own private use of course!)