Insulation paper and wires

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  • #41238 Reply


    I am finishing up a Quaverato as my first build but it seems like I either misplaced or didn’t receive the insulation paper to place underneath the potentiometers. Is it possible to just use electrical tape instead? Additionally, I cut too much of one of the wires that go into the bypass in the PCB so I used a similar-sized wires (two individual wires). Would this work as well as the ones shipped with the kit?

    Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!

    #41240 Reply

    I’m sorry about the misplaced insulation paper. All it is, is thick cardstock paper (that won’t get punctured easily), so you can just use that. It wouldn’t hurt to cover it with a layer of electrical tape for extra puncture protection.
    There is nothing special about the wire. You can use whatever insulated wire you have that will fit into the pcb holes. Don’t use thick wire that is hard to bend or barely fits into the pcb holes. Whatever wire you are using is probably fine as long as it fits that criteria.
    Good luck!

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