VOX Repeat Percussion: how close can the Quaverato come?

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  • #42214 Reply

    As I thought to have understood the LFO-waveform of the VOX Repeat Percussion is a sawtooth (immediately going high, and then decreasing).

    I’m wondering how close the Quaverato can come to this? There’s obviously the dedicated selection on the Wave Shape knob, but does it actually also sounds alike/identical?

    I’m for instance thinking about eventual opto-coupler slowness or rounding off LFO-waveshape edges, possibly resulting in not quite getting that characteristic rhythmic pulsing of the Repeat Percussion.


    #42216 Reply

    Thanks for your interest in the Quaverato.
    I’m not an expert with the Vox repeat percussion effect, but from what I’ve heard (from demos on youtube) the Quaverato should be able to get pretty close to it. As with any very old piece of gear, and especially cheaply made gear like the repeat percussion (and all guitar effects from that era), you will find a good amount of variation with how each unit sounds. This is because of the high tolerance components and large variation in transistor characteristics from that era…not to mention component values drifting over the years. From my experience, each piece of vintage gear has its own unique tonal characteristics and “sound” compared to other units of the same model, from the same era. So, if you are trying to match a particular repeat percussion unit, I can’t say if the Quaverato will have the same exact tonal characteristics, but it can definitely get very close to the type of sound the designers of the repeat percussion were trying to achieve.
    That’s just some thoughts…
    Take care.

    #42217 Reply

    Hello Brach,

    Thanks for the quick reply and info, much appreciated! Like you described, can well imagine the sounds can differ from unit to unit, especially for FX from that era. Good to hear the Quaverato can come close, as it seems. This was the last thing holding me back, I’ll be ordering a kit from your EU-supplier.

    Looking forward to the MIDI-functionality of it as well, great that it has this.
    (As I thought to have understood there’s no preset-recall on the standalone unit, right? No big thing, can add a compact MIDI PC-sending-thing.)

    Thanks & best regards from The Netherlands!

    #42218 Reply

    That is true, you have to have a midi controller to recall the presets on the Quaverato. Good luck with the kit. Thanks again for your interest!

    #42219 Reply

    Hello Brach, Perfect, thanks for the confirmation w.r.t. the MIDI-recall.

    I’ve just ordered a kit with MIDI (from your French seller Floating Point Audio), looking forward to it.

    Have a nice day!

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