Works until I put the case together

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  • #13859 Reply


    I was in today and was flashed to the latest version then I came home. Played it for about 30 minutes before I realized I should box it up and like finish it.

    I did that and then it started blinking 2 then 4 then 2 with the green led.

    Did i muck something up? Is there something silly stupid I am forgetting now to put it together? I hate to keep bothering you.


    #13883 Reply

    It was good to meet you yesterday. I’m glad we were able to help you flash your Quaverato.
    It seems that now your Quaverato thinks the tap switch is being held down when you power it on. Make sure the tap foot switch wires aren’t twisted or connected somehow. We put this function on the this pedal so customers can see what software version they have on their microcontroller.
    Check those wires and let me know if you still can’t get it going.
    Good luck!

    #13902 Reply

    I replaced the 2 ribbons connecting the toggles with regular wire just in case. I get 2 things now. one is when everything is outside the case. Sometimes when I plug it in the thing pulses quickly and cant be changed but sometimes when twisting the pots around it will slow down but as soon as you lift that goes away. I also still get the 2 4 2.

    #13903 Reply

    What are you lifting to cause the symptoms you described to go away? It seems something may be shorting to the board. Make sure the paper under the pots doesn’t have any holes in it from the leads poking through. Make sure none of the pot backs are touching anything they shouldn’t be touching.
    Make sure chassis is grounded to the board (use a continuity test).
    Also use a continuity test to see if the tap switch wires are connected…they shouldn’t be unless the switch is pressed down.
    Let me know what you find.

    #13905 Reply

    i removed the tap bypass switch and turned it on while completely outside of the case and its still blinking. Not sure what i’ve done now.

    i pulled the pots up like you had just so there was no question too.

    #13940 Reply

    Let me know what you find out with the continuity test.

    #14030 Reply

    With switch removed and checking both contacts with the tester, no continuity. Still getting the program code blinks.

    #14031 Reply

    That’s bizarre. 2 more questions:
    1) Is the microcontroller pin 4 is connected to ground?
    2) Upon power up, does the green LED wait about 2 seconds until it starts blinking?
    Let me know.

    #14060 Reply

    2) yes led does wait a few before it starts up
    1) if im doing this correctly ground is on 8, 11, 15

    #14107 Reply

    Correct, the microcontroller should be connected to ground on pins 8 and 22 (not 11, unless the mode switch is flipped). What I was asking in question 1 above is if pin 4 is actually connected to ground even though it’s not supposed to be (use your continuity tester on your meter to find out…when the pedal is powered on). If pin 4 isn’t at ground potential, then tell me what DC voltage is on pin 4 when the pedal is on.
    By engaging the routine in the code to flash the software number, it’s acting like pin 4 is being held low upon power on. We just have to figure out what’s holding it low….either there is some sort of external short on pin 4 or the microcontroller is internally damaged.
    Let me know.

    #14111 Reply

    I think I’m out of my depth here. I emailed before would it be possible to call?

    #14135 Reply

    Yes, please email me your phone number and we can arrange a time to talk on the phone. Also, feel free to come to our lab again if you need any assistance…but we can talk about that on the phone.

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