Sorry for the late reply, work and school have kept me very busy for the past days. Out of frustration, I had a friend come take a look at the situation and see if he could spot anything I had turned a blind eye to. I turned away for a moment to get something to drink and when I came back he was reading 4.5v on all pins on the TL074! I’m not sure how he fixed it (and he isn’t even sure) but the pedal works exactly like it did before. Thank you very much for all your help!! I’m off to use my Quaverato!
I re-flowed all the solder joints you suggested and I have verified that C15 is installed is correctly orientated. Sadly, I’m still getting around 1v to 1.5v on the TL074. I noticed that the lead from R10 that’s supposed to be 4.5v is also 1.5v~, which would lead me to believe that it isn’t the TL074 creating the issue but once again I’m not sure. I have also lifted pots up and I made sure that none of them are shorting on anything. I never had a TL0XX opamp break on me, so it does seem unlikely that’s the problem but at this point I’m not sure what else it could be. Also, now when I play through the pedal it doesn’t even do the “gated” sound it was producing before as no sound is able to get through at all. Hopefully if the TL074 gets replaced all will be well again. Thank you for your continued help!
No worries! Since I originally wrote this post little while ago I’ve made some progress and found some new things. First, I have tested the relay along with the status LED and everything works exactly as it should. There is an audible click every time I use the switch along with the LED turning on and off. Second, I went through and did my best to shorten down all the standing resistors leads but it didn’t make any different sadly. Third, I’ve remeasured the voltages against those provided in the troubleshooting doc and I think I may have found the culprit; The TL074 has voltages of 1.5v~ on all pins besides the power (which hovers around 9v), so I think something might be wrong with it. Fourth, today I decided to plug in my guitar again in to test pedal and there was actually output! Hooray! Granted, it sounded like a gated fuzz (a sound a I normally enjoy but wouldn’t expect from a trem pedal) but I’m still happy. I’m not exactly sure what is making this “broken” fuzz sound, but my guess is something with the bias in the op-amp isn’t working correctly. I had a fuzz pedal that when you turned the bias all the way it produced a similar sound. Anyways, I recorded a quick demo of this sound on my phone, let me know what you think. Thank you so much for your help!