DIY Build problem

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  • #27437 Reply
    Christophe DUPONT

    Hello everyone,

    I have some problems with the kit.

    First of all I have no signal when I try to set up the HIGH trim pot. The LOW is working though

    Second of all The Bypass Light doesn’t work. The Led is sold the right way. Nothing happened when I’m measuring the lugs ๐Ÿ™

    Do you guys have any idea ?

    If I plug the guitar I have no tremolo at all, I do have sound though on my amp.

    Thank you

    #27439 Reply

    Have you worked through the troubleshooting guide yet?

    #27440 Reply
    Christophe DUPONT

    Hello, I tried but I donโ€™t understand everything on the troubleshooting guide.

    #27441 Reply

    At what step did you get stopped? Were you able to make it to step 4?
    Were you able to calibrate the high trim pot before you soldered the jumpers?

    #27443 Reply
    Christophe DUPONT

    I canโ€™t calibrate the high trim pot. There is no signal.
    The jumpers are not soldered yet.

    #27444 Reply
    Christophe DUPONT

    Iโ€™m at step 4 by the way, but I donโ€™t really understand what Iโ€™m supposed to do. Sorry English is not my mother langage.

    Thanks for all your help.

    #27447 Reply
    Christophe DUPONT

    So far I have been re-soldering the bypass. It happens to work just fine and then OPT01 led is not working I think my project is dead since the pub is all burn ๐Ÿ™
    I took off the optocoupler (opt01) and the bypass is not working anymore

    here are the picture

    Is there a way to make it work or should I buy the kit again?

    #27448 Reply
    Christophe DUPONT

    EDIT : The bypass is working

    #27646 Reply

    Thank you for the photo. You can still make it work.
    The main problem I see in the photo is that the copper trace from one pad of the opto1 to TP1 is ripped off. You need to install the optocoupler again and then run a jumper wire from that pin of the optocoupler to the hole of TP1. Don’t try to solder to that pad of the optocoupler because it has been damaged and probably won’t accept solder or pass an electrical connection. You need to use a tiny wire for this jumper…something you would find inside of a USB cable or DVI video cable or something like that. See Appendix C in the troubleshooting guide for more about how to run a jumper wire.
    Once the optocoupler and jumper wire are installed, work through Appendix A of the troubleshooting guide. This will help you decide what is wrong with the “high” side. If you don’t understand any of the steps, let me know and i’ll try to walk you through it. These problems usually are caused by bad solder joints. So please re-solder any of the joints that are around that area…especially: Q1, R14, VR8, and R8.
    Good luck!

    #27647 Reply
    Christophe DUPONT

    Thanks a lot for your reply, does a lugs from a diode can make it works? The LED is not working neither.

    I spent the all afternoon working on it. I will take a break ๐Ÿ˜€

    Cheers from France

    #27708 Reply

    I’m sorry you are having this trouble.
    Are you saying the LED on the optocoupler is not working?
    Were you able to test the LED with your meter, as described in section iv of Appendix A?

    #27723 Reply
    Christophe DUPONT

    Hello Brach,
    I’m back on the pedal , I checked Q1, R14, VR8 and R8. I have nothing on R14 and R16 and also the depth. The high pot is not working and the led neither. I have damaged the PCB and I’m not able to use a tiny wire for any of the damaged jumpers. I don’t have the skills to solve the problems I think :/

    I will try to ask someone to help me, I had fun nevertheless, I might order a new one.

    Here a picture of the PCB.


    #27728 Reply

    If you don’t feel confident running the jumper wire then it is probably wise to get help from someone local to you. If you have any friends that have done any electronics soldering, I would ask them. Otherwise you can take it to an electronics repair shop and they should be able to fix it.
    Good luck!

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