Externalizing dips as pots.

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  • #40527 Reply

    How horribly stupid would it be to swap the dip switches for pots? And to swap the high and low trim pots for external pots?

    #40529 Reply

    The dip switches couldn’t directly be exchanged for pots, but the resistor networks attached to them could be (maybe that’s what you were referring to). You can see from the schematic that the resistors just create a low pass filter and a high pass filter, coupled with C2 and C3. So I suppose you could exchange the resistors for a 50k (or so) pot. You’d probably want to add a minimum resistance to keep the pot from going all the way to 0 ohms.
    It is also possible to exchange the trim pots for external pots, if you wanted. I designed these features to “set and forget”, but if you wanted to play around with them more, I encourage you to experiment. The main issue might be the question of where to mount the pots on the enclosure. I don’t have any suggestions about this, so your guess is as good as mine.
    Good luck.

    #40531 Reply

    Right on. That was my plan. I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing something I wasn’t used to. I believe I will make a custom enclosure.

    #40532 Reply

    Also, thanks for the response. And thanks for making this awesome pedal a kit. Good on ya.

    #40533 Reply

    Good luck! Let me know how it turns out.

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