Open-source software?

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  • #33217 Reply

    I’m really interested in building the Quaverato, but as a software hacker I’m particularly looking to dig into the microcontroller and tweak with that as part of the fun. The product page mentions open-source software but it looks like a Github project page for the Quaverato was taken down. Is the software still available to build and modify?

    #33221 Reply

    You can find all of our software on the ZDL Updater App page, on the What You Will Need tab:
    With your experience, you probably will not need the app itself. Go ahead and tinker with the software to your heart’s content. We found it tricky to compile to run properly on its MCU. While the code is open-source, its further development is not something we are supporting, so we won’t be able to assist if you run into snags.

    Let us know what you come up with!!

    #33222 Reply

    You can find all of our software on the ZDL Updater App page, on the What You Will Need tab:
    With your experience, you probably will not need the app itself. Go ahead and tinker with the software to your heart’s content. We found it tricky to compile to run properly on its MCU. While the code is open-source, its further development is not something we are supporting, so we won’t be able to assist if you run into snags.

    Let us know what you come up with!!

    #33224 Reply

    Thanks for the reply! That tool looks like an installer for binary firmware, but I’m interested in the actual source code. Where is that available?

    #33225 Reply

    Yes, it’s bundled in the folder with the binary, which fact I notice is not clearly stated anywhere! I need to re-draft some of the text!

    #33228 Reply

    Sorry to be a bother, but I must be missing something. I downloaded the Quaverato software bundle and it has just three files in it – an EEPROM .hex binary, a the main image .hex binary, and a README. Don’t see any source in there. I went ahead and tracked down a Windows machine and installed the ZDL Updater MSI as well. I see older versions of binaries in there but still no source. Is there another bundle I’m not seeing?

    #33229 Reply

    You are not a bother! You are a hero! You have alerted me to the fact that several of those archives are incomplete. I have the new archives ready to post, but it will be tomorrow before I can access the server to upload them. If you write to me at info/aT\zeppelindesignlabsDOTkom, I will email you the sketch you seek, along with a small prize.

    Thanks for keeping me honest!


    #33234 Reply

    All software arechives are now up-to-date and include the latest sketch files (*.ino) and the latest binaries (*.hex).

    #40239 Reply

    I tried to download the same thing the OP was looking for and there is nothing happening when the sftp link opens. Possibly a broken link or can it be verified that it’s still available for download?

    #40241 Reply

    I was able to figure this one out–the links for the Altura and Macchiato downloads are correct and working (https://). So I took the filename from the end of the Quaverato link and sustituted it in for the filename in the Macchiato link and it worked. Link does still need to be updated for anyone that doesn’t know to try that. Thanks!

    #40242 Reply

    Also, I was going to take a look at the code since it’s open-source and see if anything jumped out at me to consider experimenting with modifications, but the sketch file does not appear to be included in the download I was able to make work–I’m only seeing the hex binaries and README as with the OP. I’m not sure what your notification system is like, so I’m also going to copy a link of this thread to info /at\ zdl.

    #40243 Reply

    Folks, I’m so sorry about this! Thanks for pointing it out. I will fix the link, and also make sure each folder really does contain the sketch file.

    #41255 Reply


    I am having the same problem as the OP I can’t find the open source code anywhere. I have the hex but there is no source code in the download package. Please advise

    #42170 Reply

    Hi all, was this ever resolved? I fancy diving in to the code too!

    #42174 Reply

    Email me and I can give you the latest Arduino code package…info “at” zeppelindesignlabs “dot” com

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