Audio Jack and Volume Problems

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  • #10591 Reply

    The audio jack on my board doesn’t work with headphones and is barely audible with desktop speakers, even when I do the correct startup process (cutoff and octave right, everything else left). Also when using the onboard speaker the sound stops after I turn the volume knob past halfway. Any thoughts or suggestions?

    #10603 Reply

    This type of problem is usually caused by a bad connection somewhere in the analog audio side of of the circuit. Start by checking the solder joints on J1. I suggest that you re-flow all of them to make sure they are all good. If that doesn’t work then check (and even re-flow) all you solder joints on the following components:
    R14, R15, R16, C8, C10, R19, U3, C9, C3, C4, VR9, R22, C13, C11
    Also, make sure there are no solder bridges across any leads.
    Good luck.

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